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FREE events  

SnoValley Tilth Potluck and Tour of The Highlands Homestead
Monday, September 18 / 6pm to 8pm

SnoValley Tilth welcomes you to a potluck and tour of The Highlands Homestead, loved and cherished by Jeffrey Davis of The Duvall Food Forest, and Rachael Witt of Wildness Within. Explore their ecological homestead (and food forest), and understand topics of water resilience, subsistence farming, value-added products, and more. 

Volunteer Work Party
Sunday, September 24 / 1pm to 4pm,
Sunday, October 22 / 2pm to 5pm, and
Sunday, November 26 / 1pm to 4pm

Spend the day connecting to self, nature, and community through tending the land together. We host a volunteer work party every fourth Sunday of the month, 1pm - 4pm (omit December and January). All ages and skill levels welcome. Come rain or shine. Please, RSVP ahead of time by sending us a message. This season volunteers can expect to plant trees, sow seeds, build garden beds, and more. 

Potluck and Preserved Foods Swap
Saturday, October 22 / 1pm to 2pm

Come together to eat and share nourishing food with your community. Bring a dish to share. You're also invited to bring jars of home preserved foods that you might want to swap and share with other local homesteaders. Do you have an abundance of plum jam, but craving apple sauce? Let's share the abundance in our lives with one another. Did you notice? This is happening immediately after this workshop and before the October volunteer work party.

The Duvall Food Forest is creating a model for environmental stewardship, while nourishing community, and participating in a sustainable food economy.

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©2019 by The Duvall Food Forest. All Rights Reserved.

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